Fit to Play Music

Building proficiency one piece at a time!

Fit to Play Music puzzles are manipulatives that have been designed for multi-sensory learning. Each puzzle includes three pieces. Each piece represents a component to a given musical term or symbol. As students connect the pieces, they are learning to identify and define terms and symbols that are generally introduced in their first year of instruction. By using these manipulatives, students can achieve understanding more effectively than through other methods of learning such as listening and/or reading.

Our puzzles were developed by John Webster, a music teacher with over thirty-five years of teaching at the elementary and middle school levels. Through his experience, a number of elements that contribute to successful teaching have been identified. Three of the most notable are:

  • Successful teachers identify the components for each skill or concept that is being taught. Then they scaffold them in a thoughtfully determined sequence.

  • Each student uses a unique combination of visual, aural, tactile and kinesthetic learning methodologies. Successful teachers adapt their teaching methods accordingly.

  • There is a positive, enjoyable atmosphere in a successful teacher’s classroom where students are having fun as they learn.

We are confident that our Fit to Play Music puzzles will enhance your students’ efforts to achieve music literacy and serve as a compliment to the these elements for success.

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Theory Level 1

Sixteen terms and symbols that students will likely find in the opening pages of their beginning method book.

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Theory Level 2

As students move into the middle of their first year of instruction, working with this collection will ensure their ability to name and define 16 additional terms and symbols.

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Theory Level 3

Students become fully proficient in identifying and defining musical terms and symbols found throughout their method books as they learn to solve this final set of 16 puzzles.

Coming Soon…

Be looking for Fit to Play Music instrumental puzzles in the near future. Included in this series will be puzzles for flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet/baritone TC and trombone/baritone BC. At a later time, we will have puzzles for keyboard and recorder students. With our instrumental puzzles, students will learn to identify the names, the locations and the fingerings for the notes that will be introduced to them in their first year of instruction.